Friday, August 24, 2007


You may receive an LNK2019 error message when you build a Visual C++ 2005 or Visual C++ .NET application that uses a CString-derived class from a DLL file

Article ID:309801
Last Review:January 9, 2006

This article was previously published under Q309801

Note Microsoft Visual C++ 2005, Microsoft Visual C++ .NET 2003, and Microsoft Visual C++ .NET 2002 support both the managed code model that is provided by the Microsoft .NET Framework and the unmanaged native Microsoft Windows code model. The information in this article applies only to unmanaged Visual C++ code.


When you build a Visual C++ 2005 or Visual C++ .NET application that uses a CString-derived class from a DLL file, you may receive an error message that is similar to one of the following:

Message 1
ClientProject error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "__declspec(dllimport) public: __thiscall ATL::CStringT<char,class StrTraitMFC<char,class ATL::ChTraitsCRT<char>>>::CStringT<char,class StrTraitMFC<char,class ATL::ChTraitsCRT<char>>>(char const *)" (__imp_??0?$CStringT@DV?$StrTraitMFC@DV?$ChTraitsCRT@D@ATL@@@@@ATL@@QAE@PBD@Z) referenced in function _main

Message 2
ClientProject error LNK2005: "public: __thiscall ATL::CStringT<char,class StrTraitMFC<char,class ATL::ChTraitsCRT<char>>>::~CStringT<char,class StrTraitMFC<char,class ATL::ChTraitsCRT<char>>>(void)" (??1?$CStringT@DV?$StrTraitMFC@DV?$ChTraitsCRT@D@ATL@@@@@ATL@@QAE@XZ) already defined in Simple.obj

Message 3
ClientProject fatal error LNK1169: one or more multiply defined symbols found

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This behavior may occur if you use a class derived from CString that is also exported from a DLL.

In Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 or in Microsoft Visual Studio .NET, the CString class has changed to a template class, as demonstrated by the following lines of code taken from afxstr.h:

typedef ATL::CStringT< wchar_t, StrTraitMFC< wchar_t > > CStringW;
typedef ATL::CStringT< char, StrTraitMFC< char > > CStringA;
typedef ATL::CStringT< TCHAR, StrTraitMFC< TCHAR > > CString;

Visual Studio automatically exports the appropriate template instantiation for the CStringT template class that you derive from. However, when you import the class, Visual Studio .NET sometimes does not correctly import that instantiation. This results in the linker error messages listed in the "Symptoms" section of this article.

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To resolve this issue, explicitly import the template class for CStringT and CSimpleStringT in the precompiled header (stdafx.h) file, as follows:

template class __declspec(dllimport) CStringT<TCHAR, StrTraitMFC<TCHAR, ChTraitsCRT<TCHAR> > >;
template class __declspec(dllimport) CSimpleStringT<TCHAR>;

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Steps to Reproduce the Problem

1.In Visual C++ 2005 or in Visual C++ .NET, create a default MFC DLL project.
2.On the Project menu, click Add New Item.
3.Name the file MyString.h. Select the Header File template, and then click Open.

Note In Visual Studio 2005, click Add instead of Open.
4.Add the following code to MyString.h:

#ifdef _USRDLL
#define IMPEXP __declspec(dllexport)
#define IMPEXP __declspec(dllimport)

class IMPEXP CMyString: public CString
virtual ~CMyString();

void MyMethod();

5.Add a new C++ source file to the project named MyString.cpp.
6.Add the following code to MyString.cpp:

#include "StdAfx.h"
#include "mystring.h"

CMyString::CMyString(void) {}
CMyString::~CMyString(void) {}

void CMyString::MyMethod(void)
AfxMessageBox("foo is called");
//In Visual C++ 2005, you should rewrite this setence to "AfxMessageBox(L"foo is called");"

7.Save and build the DLL project.
8.Create a new Win32 Project. In the wizard, change the setting under Application Settings to the Console Application type, and then click to select the MFC checkbox to add MFC support.
9.In the new application's main source file, include MyString.h from the DLL project. Verify that the correct full path or relative path is being used.
10.Before the main function, add a #pragma to link to the library for the DLL (again, be sure to use a correct full path or relative path), as follows:

#pragma comment(lib, "..\\Debug\\TestDll.lib")

11.Add the following code in the else block of the main function:

// TODO: code your application's behavior here.
CString strHello = "Hello";
CMyString* myStr = new CMyString();

Note In Visual C++ 2005, you must add the common language runtime support compiler option (/clr:oldSyntax) to successfully compile the previous code sample. To add the common language runtime support compiler option, follow these steps:

1.Click Project, and then click ProjectName Properties.

Note ProjectName is a placeholder for the name of the project.
2.Expand Configuration Properties, and then click General.
3.In the right pane, click to select Common Language Runtime Support, Old Syntax (/clr:oldSyntax) in the Common Language Runtime support project settings.
4.Click Apply, and then click OK.

For more information about common language runtime support compiler options, visit the following Microsoft Developer Network (MSDN) Web site: (

12.Build the project.

The build fails with the "LNK2019" error.
13.In the console application, add a new C++ source file named Simple.cpp.
14.Add the following code to Simple.cpp:

#include "stdafx.h"
CString bar()
CString s = "Hi";
return s;

15.Build the project again.

You receive the "LNK2005" and "LNK1169" error messages.
16.Apply the solution provided in the "Resolution" section of this article.

The project should now build without errors.

Thursday, August 23, 2007


Forum Nokia 宣布将在2008年逐渐放弃CodeWarrior作为Symbian平台开发工具,最终转移到Carbide C++。到此,Nokia终于结束开发工具依赖第三方公司产品的局面(Carbide虽然是基于Eclips,但是这个是开源的)

Tuesday, August 14, 2007




  1. 为什么Cleanup Stack有3个不同的PushL函数?

  2. 为什么CBase有public的析构函数

  3. CBase是怎么让它的子类初始化为0的

  4. 为什么要初始化为0

  5. 为什么不建议用new[]初始化CBase的继承类

  6. 为什么CBase有private 的拷贝构造函数和private的"="重载


  1. Cleanup Stack可以保证出现异常时被压栈的对象成功释放内存。释放内存的方法有2种,调用delete(将调用析构函数)或者调用User::Free()。对于TAny指针指向的内容,Cleanup Stack在退出时候将仅调用User::Free(),这个时候需要用PushL(TAny*)。通常的CBase对象,则调用delete,这个时候用PushL(CBase*)。如果需要压入Cleanup Stack,又不想用CBase,则使用PushL(TCleanupItem)。

  2. 因为需要被Cleanup Stack调用,所以应该是public,因为多态的需要,应该是virtual。

  3. CBase重载了new函数,调用AllocZL分配内存,自然会初始化为0

  4. 继承自CBase的类被压栈后即使出现异常也能保证析构函数被调用。那么,如果它有一个成员变量是一个指针,在析构时需要根据这个指针是否NULL判断是否需要回收这个指针指向的内存,如果这个指针没有被初始化,在运行过程中发生异常,那么析构的时候这个指针就是野指针,删除它会让程序崩溃的。看一段代码就明白了。
    CTest* CTest::NewLC()
    CTest* self = new ( ELeave ) CTest;
    CleanupStack::PushL( self );
    return self;

    void CTest::ConstructL()
    iPointer = CMustLeave::NewL(); // assume this leaves

    if( iPointer )
    delete iPointer;
    iPointer = NULL;
    如果iPointer没有初始化为NULL,则通过Cleanup Stack析构时可能导致程序崩溃。

  5. CBase并没有重装new[],如果使用new[]创建CBase的继承类对象,CBase的new重载函数则没有被调用,自然不会初始化CBase对象为0。如果需要创建对象的数组,可以用RPointerArray。

  6. 保证不被隐式的拷贝,你不能写诸如下面的代码
    CBase* pointer = new ( ELeave ) CBase;
    CBase base = *pointer; // call copy constructor


    CBase* pointer = new ( ELeave ) CBase;
    CBase base;
    base = *pointer; // call operator =


Technorati : , : ,

Monday, June 18, 2007


Active Perl和Cpan的Perl有些不一样,安装的时候使用ppm,具体的操作即在命令行模式下运行ppm

启动ppm后使用命令search xxx 模块名搜索模块,如果网络连接正常,过会就会返回找到的模块名称,我前面找的是sasl。
找到后运行 install authen-sasl,active perl会自动下载需要的文件并完成安装,看到Successfully installed authen-sasl version 2.10 in ActivePerl
use Net::SMTP;
my $MailHost = "mailhost";
my $MailFrom = "xxxx\";
my $MailTo = "xxxx\";
my $subject = "Subject Line here";
my $MailBody = "This is the mail body";
my $smtp = Net::SMTP->new($MailHost) or die "Can't create smtp!";
# Send the From and Recipient for the mail servers that require it$smtp->mail($MailFrom); $smtp->to($MailTo);
# Start the mail$smtp->data();
# Send the header. $smtp->datasend("To: $MailTo\n"); $smtp->datasend("From: $MailFrom\n"); $smtp->datasend("Subject: $subject\n"); $smtp->datasend("\n");
# Send the message $smtp->datasend("$MailBody\n\n");
# Send the termination string $smtp->dataend();

Sunday, June 17, 2007



cd c:\project
rar a -r -agyyyy-mm-dd-hh-mm-ss bak test
这个命令行参数的意义是,a 代表添加到一个压缩文档, -r代表压缩的时候包括子目录,-agyyyy-mm-dd-hh-mm-ss代表在生成的压缩文档的名字后面加入一个时间,以yyyy-mm-dd-hh-mm-ss的格式,bak 为压缩文件的名字,结果会是bakyyyy-mm-dd-hh-mm-ss.rar,test是指定要压缩的目录或者文件名。


Saturday, June 16, 2007

跨平台开发游戏引擎-EGDELIB Mobile Game SDK

包括 Lite, Standard ,Full ,Eval 四个不同版本,前面3个版本需要 License Fee, 评估版仅限非商业用途使用。

Non-commercial useYYYY
Commercial useYYY-

Supported PlatformsLiteStdFullEval
Windows Mobile Pocket PC up to 5.0YYYY
Windows Mobile Smartphone up to 5.0YYYY
Symbian Series 60 up to S60 3rd editionYYYY
Symbian UIQ up to 3.0YYYY
Symbian Series 80 (Nokia Communicator)YYYY
Symbian Series 90 (Nokia 7710)YYYY
Gamepark Holdings GP2X handheldYYYY
Windows desktopYYYY
Upcoming supported platformsYYYY

2D GraphicsLiteStdFullEval
2D surfacesYYYY
Screen orientation awarenessYYYY
Drawing primitivesYYYY
Color key transparencyYYYY
Advanced color filtersYYYY
Dynamic clippingYYYY
Advanced rasterized font text drawingYYYY
Surface rotation and scalingYYYY
DirectDraw hardware support for WindowsYYYY
Direct Screen Access for SymbianYYYY
Bounding box collision detectionYYYY
Pixel precise collision detection-YYY
RGBA surfaces--YY
Built-in screen wipes--YY
Custom pixel shaders--YY

Optimized Blitlet SupportLiteStdFullEval
Lite optimized blitlet setYYYY
Standard optimized blitlet set-YYY
Full optimized blitlet set--YY

Supported Image and 3D FormatsLiteStdFullEval
BMP (Windows bitmap)YYYY
PNG (Portable Network Graphics)-YYY
GIF (Graphics Interchange Format)-YYY
TGA (Targa)--YY
JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group)--YY
3DS (3D Studio)--YY
MS3D (MilkShape 3D)--YY

3D GraphicsLiteStdFullEval
3D surfaces--YY
OpenGL?ES 1.1 support--YY
Internal EDGELIB 3D renderer--YY
3D skeletal animation--YY
OpenGL?ES helper functions--YY
3D collision detection (TBA)--YY

Network ConnectivityLiteStdFullEval
TCP/IP (wifi/gprs/umts)-YYY
HTTP functionality-YYY
Chillingo ClickPayGo support-YYY

File HandlingLiteStdFullEval
Basic file reading and writingYYYY
Reading from Edge Resource PacksYYYY
Writing to Edge Resource Packs-YYY
Reading from INI configuration files-YYY
Writing to INI configuration files--YY
Folder manipulation--YY

Supported input devices and buttonsYYYY
Key mappingsYYYY
TiltCONTROL hardware device support-YYY

Standard classYYYY
Memory classYYYY
Sound library plug-in supportYYYY
Timer classYYYY
Math classYYYY
Debugging toolsYYYY
Dynamic registration classYYYY
Device information classYYYY
Event recording-YYY

SDK ToolsLiteStdFullEval
EDGELIB Animation Strip MakerYYYY
EDGELIB Font OrganizerYYYY

Provided SupportLiteStdFullEval
Public forumYYYY
Instant Messaging--Y-